A better way tolearn from video

Zenvideo is a personalised knowledge capture software that allows you to distil content from video and apply it effectively

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Everything you need to take notes from videos

Zenvideo comes packed with all the tools needed to effectively distil content from video so that you can learn and apply knowledge rapidly

Capture key information

Distil your videos into the most important information, thoughts and ideas

Don't repeat effort

Make sure every time you engage with a video you make progress towards your learning objective

Learn more effectively

Adopt a systematic methodology for knowledge and skill development

Maintain momentum

Take courses to completion in a way that the knowledge sticks with you

Create immediately usable notes

Capture, organise and distil bits of knowledge so that you can rapidly use them for useful outcomes

Apply what you learn

Bridge the gap between capturing knowledge and applying it for something useful

Find anything in videos

Search through all of your notes or video transcripts to find what you are looking for

Waste less time

Immediately go back from notes or transcripts to the relevant parts in the video to re-watch these

Distil knowledge from videos

Create a body of immediately usable knowledge that you can apply for rapid learning, skill development or in a project

  • > Take notes directly from the transcript
  • > Capture thoughts as comments
  • > Extract screenshots
  • > Convert image to text directly from the video
Annotate transcripts

Backtrack from anywhere

With Zenvideo you search through video as if it were text.

The software takes you from your notes or a search result directly to the relevant part in the video eliminating hours skimming to find what you are looking for

  • > Go from your notes to the video
  • > Re-watch important clips
  • > Search through video as if it were text
Collate your notes

Make progress with each action

Zenvideo's tools give you flexibility to create your personal approach to going through video content.

  • > Immersive focus mode where you just absorb content with light touch note taking
  • > Systematic capture mode where you methodically distil videos
  • > Split videos into chapters with bookmarks
  • > Read and add comments directly on the transcript alongside the video
Video note taking

Valuable Approach

Get more out of your learning

Zenvideo is designed with best practices around note taking, learning and knowledge capture.

Scattered notesAll your notes are scattered in different places

Context switchingLower your productivity by swapping between multiple apps

Disconnected notesNo way to easily reference source material from notes

Random approachLearning with little structure and hoping for the best

Organised notesAll your notes are attached to the videos and automatically organised

FocusEverything centralized in one app; spend more time working and less searching

BacktrackingReturn from notes to source video with one click

Systematic methodologyEasily adopt a proven learning methodology

Learn better with Zenvideo

Designed by experts in learning and productivity

Zenvideo is designed to implement best practices in learning and productivity.

Our team has researched the latest findings in learning from video and note taking approaches and are working with world experts to design the best video learning software.

Funded by Ufi VocTechEducate programme participantCompany funded by InnovateUK